Thursday, December 6, 2007

Santa Likes Classic Cars

What you see here is... well, we don't really know if this is the driver of the car moonlighting as Santa or if this was just an extra car laying around and donated to the jolly old fellow. It also may be a gift for someone...see the shiny rims?
(Click on image to see enlarged version)
Submitted by Stacy, Indiana
Violations: W.T.H.? (Just because you have a spare car....), questionable Multiple Clauses Violation - Mickey is a charlatan; there is only one true Santa and he doesn't have big ears, he has a big belly!


Anonymous said...

Mike and I think this one is missing something-Rudolph strapped to the hood!

Anonymous said...

Who doesn't like classic cars, poor Santa. A classic car for a classic big guy! And what's up with Mickey, the ornament he is holding is almost a big as the tree he is sitting next to.