Friday, December 21, 2007

Los Lonely Boys and a Señorita

Submitted by Alex
This is the Holy Christmas Trinity. According to tradition, the baby Jesus cannot be placed in the manger scene until Christmas Eve. "Don't turn away from the missing Baby Jesus, Frosty! Look at him, darn it!!"
Violations: Intermingling


Anonymous said...

your not supposed to put baby Jesus out until Christmas Eve at Midnight any Christian would know that

Anonymous said...

Yes the main point is Jesus was not found till he was 3 years old by the wise men. Not a Baby as all think.

Anonymous said...

I bet baby Jesus would have loved looking at a big snowman. I like the decorations. Most AWESOME!!!

Anonymous said...

who cares about making everyting exactly right?
this is christmas it's supposed 2 be fun

Anonymous said...

To each his own. That's what makes America such an interesting place to live. I love it. There are people to laugh about everywhere...the Griswald's of the block (and there is one on every block thank God), the snooty uptight people that take life so damned seriously, the snooty uptight people who think "there should be laws against to many xmas lights", etc, etc, etc. If you can't have fun in your lifetime, what the heck is the point? You should move to some other super strict country and let Americans have thier freedom! Our sons and daughters and brothers and sisters and fathers and mothers are dieing over seas so we can have the freedom to do whatever we damned well please! Also, don't complain because you have to close the shades to get dressed because of the traffic. YOUR NEIGHBORS DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU NAKED EITHER...EWWWW! Your shades should be closed anyways if you are removing your clothes!!!

Oh thanks for posting the pictures. I don't agree with your point of view and can't stand people like you, but you have freedom like everyone else. I love looking at everyone's creativity. Some are beautiful, some are funny, some are laughable, all are wonderful!

Have fun, be jolly, laugh alot, and have a Merry Christmas and Happy friggin New Year!!! LOL Ahhh Life if good.

Anonymous said...

anonymous: YOu are moron. She said that Jesus couldn't be placed there until Christmas Eve. Loser. Learn to read!

Anonymous said...

Frosty came to the desert to look upon the Child of God. A smile crossed his face as he looked toward the heavens. Then the sun came up and he melted, but the rabbit stole the top hat from the magician and Frosty was reborn!

And we all held hands and danced and sang and were glad our sons and daughters were over there fighting for our right to mix yard ornaments.

Anonymous said...

Uh, yard decorating holiday lover? I highly doubt people join the military in order to defend your right to have Christmas decorations in your front yard.

Yeah, and I can't stand people like you either. Seriously, get a sense of humor.

And no, you don't have the freedom to do whatever you please. We have these things call "laws" you have to follow.

Seriously, where do these people come from?